
Optional Homework for DECEMBER 2019

Hello Families,

Room 8 and 9, will not be receiving any more homework for such a busy month of conferences, concerts, activities, and events happening in and out of school.

However, students are encouraged to continue practicing basic facts and read for at least 20 minutes a day. Remember you can also read social studies chapters as part of your child's reading.

If you really would like your child to have homework, then they can work on an electricity project at home. Details below.

Electricity, Natural Resources, and Conservation

Our school is embarking on a school-wide quest to help planet earth by conserving energy. Our school will focus on two areas of conservation: conserving paper and conserving electricity.

Ms. Moir and Ms. Gill's grade 5 students are studying electricity and
has asked the students in our class to teach the grade one students about
electricity and conservation. 

So... you are going to inquire into (research) energy resources, electricity production, environmental impacts, and conservation. You will then share your knowledge with a group of grade one buddies in an engaging and informative lesson after the WINTER BREAK

To teach your grade one group, you will need to prepare a lesson with visuals (it could be a series of small posters, a paper book, or a digital google slide). 

If you want you can also create a hands-on activity for your grade one students that will explore energy conservation in our school.

Some questions to guide you:

How is electricity produced?
What natural resources are used to generate electricity in Canada? 

What impact does using natural resources to create electricity have on the environment?
What can we do to conserve electricity in our school?

Step One:  List the different natural resources that are used to generate electricity in Canada. What resources are renewable or non-renewable, and the advantages and disadvantages of its use.

Step Two: 

 Use the following questions to guide your research:
1. Where is this resource found in Canada?
2. How is it used to make electricity?
3. How does getting the resource impact the environment? 

4. How does making electricity impact the environment?
5. Why is it important to conserve this energy resource?

Step Three: You will need to present the information to your grade one buddy. You may want to create a digital presentation, an oral presentation with props and pictures, or a picture book. 

Here are some example questions:
  1. What things in the classroom use electricity and how much do they
  2. How much electricity would an electric pencil sharpener use in a
    week, month or year?
  3. How much electricity do computers use? When they are not being
    used? When they are being used?
  4. Our school has many different light bulbs. Which light bulb uses the
    most electricity?
  5. Any other ideas? Be creative!

Step Five: Presentation: You will be assigned a small buddy group to teach after the winter break. 

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